jazz harpist

New album due out soon!

Jazzman records will be releasing my first album Little sunflower on vinyl and CD over the coming weeks. It is currently being pressed. The album will include jazz standards Little sunflower and Libertango amongst others. I couldn’t be more excited!

Weeks away to the new album

Little Sunflower is only weeks away. Jazzman Records is currently cutting the vinyl ready. The art work is done and I’m sitting excitedly waiting to announce its release. Tomorrow is also an exciting day as Harp Column Academy launch my online studio. Could I be any...

New album out in coming weeks

In 2013 I recorded an album with Tony Robinson and Deej Williams. 2013 saw the completion of my Masters in jazz and the album was a culmination of the two years studying at the Royal Welsh College of music and drama in Cardiff. This year has been fantastic and I’ve...

Live instagram concert

Last night my hubby and I performed a live instagram concert. We played some standards accompanied by a glass of wine and smiles. We really enjoyed ourselves. Have a look on my instagram feed to watch. Today I’m writing for my new books and album. Must make hay...