Harp Blog

Read about Amanda Whiting’s latest performances, collaborations, and teaching work.

Recording a new album and exciting projects

The last year has been a lot of fun and hard-work writing the new album. Last week we made it to the studio nr Newtown in mid Wales to record it with Chris Cracknell producing. The usual team of Aidan Thorne on bass and Jon Reynolds on drums was joined by the...

Crazy few weeks

It’s been so busy but fun! The last few weeks have seen the pre release of DJ Yoda‘s Promnite. We will be launching it in London on 18 November.. v excited! Last week was the Jazz Fm awards in London where I was able to spend the evening with friends old and new. Such...

Busy week playing and teaching

Tonight I am talking about the freedom of jazz on the harp with Retreat to the Harp. Really looking forward to relaxing and helping people get started on their path...

Playlist of favourite music

I was recently asked to make a playlist by Twisted soul music .. I had a great time putting my favourites all together in one place. It really is my soul food ❤️ https://twistedsoulmusic.org/2020/12/30/guest-playlist-amanda-whiting/

The new album is out for pre- order

Such an exciting week! My label Jazzman Records has released the new album After Dark on Bandcamp for pre order.. 10 April for main release. 🥳 Https://jazzmanalbums.bandcamp.com/album/after-dark

Practise and Harp column pods and inspiration

I thought January was going to be quiet but no… The Harp column academy practice challenge has allowed me and my POD to meet every week and be united with our practice. I’ve learnt so many great things and watched so many chats daily from Masters giving great tips and...

Harp column challenge and rock tracks

This month is turning out to be really busy! So far I am leading in a pod for Harp column and the challenge of practising all month. Every week in January we meet in a pod and for chats and to share ideas on how to get the best out of our time with our new music. Last...

New year.. new aspirations

Even after a pandemic year I have to admit that musically I had a great 2020. Little sunflower was released and this will be followed in March with After Dark. Instagram opened my social world to meeting so many new friends and colleagues and I am hoping that 2021...


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