Harp Blog

Read about Amanda Whiting’s latest performances, collaborations, and teaching work.

Recording a new album and exciting projects

The last year has been a lot of fun and hard-work writing the new album. Last week we made it to the studio nr Newtown in mid Wales to record it with Chris Cracknell producing. The usual team of Aidan Thorne on bass and Jon Reynolds on drums was joined by the...

Crazy few weeks

It’s been so busy but fun! The last few weeks have seen the pre release of DJ Yoda‘s Promnite. We will be launching it in London on 18 November.. v excited! Last week was the Jazz Fm awards in London where I was able to spend the evening with friends old and new. Such...

A great evening at Penarth Pavilion

Last week was great fun. My trio played for the opening night at Penarth Pavilion and found out that we were the first musicians in 50 years to play there...what an honour. It was really successful and the swinging 40s night was the perfect atmosphere to compliment...

Summer…where did that go?

Schools are back and weddings are slowly getting less and time to mull over what's next. It has been a great summer with some incredible weddings. Last week, Jo and I were playing for the most beautiful outside wedding at Le Manoir. It was a perfect day, with sunshine...

Weddings, radio and books

It has been a great period with lots of functions in beautiful venues and brides. Last week I had the pleasure of playing for a gentleman who worked for a fashion magazine. The event was held in a stunning house in bath and I was playing in the grounds, next to a...

Graduation week

It has been a fantastic yet sad week with my Graduation in St David's Hall for my Masters in Jazz. Saying goodbye to everyone after two years, with the hope that we will meet again one day. The sun was shining and luckily I managed to get across the stage without...

Recording in the studio

What a week! I have at last finished my Masters and graduated. Tony and I have finished our new book of jazz pieces for easy harp..it is winging it's way to the printers as I type. But even more exciting news is we have been recording a new CD at Lee Goodall's studio...


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